Personalized Exam Prep and Continuing Education

Our best-in-class exam prep and continuing education products have helped tens of thousands of students attain and maintain their licenses since 1985.

Personalized Exam Prep and Continuing Education

Our best-in-class exam prep and continuing education products have helped tens of thousands of students attain and maintain their licenses since 1985.

Personalized Exam Prep and Continuing Education

Our best-in-class exam prep and continuing education products have helped tens of thousands of students attain and maintain their licenses since 1985.

With Gerry Grossman You Get More of the Essential Study Materials and Exam Pratice You Need to Succeed

Features Gerry Grossman Seminars Others
Duration 6 to 8 Months 1 to 6 Months
Practice Questions Up to 1,200 with rationales* 450–750
Practice Exams Up to 9 Full Length Exams* Unknown
Audio Presentations Clinical Issues/Family Therapy Lectures Exam Topics or DSM-5
Study Volumes Comprehensive Study Volumes Handouts
Live Online Workshops Up to 22 hours of Live Exam Prep* -
Quick Reference Theory/Crisis Management Charts -
  Learn More  

*Actual amounts vary by program. Visit specific licensure pages for detailed information on MFT, LCSW, and LPCC products.

GGS Pass Guarantee

Our Students Study with Confidence

Learn more about our GGS Pass Guarantee and the support you'll receive from our Pass Guaranteed Packages.

GGS Pass Guarantee

Our Students Study with Confidence

Learn more about our GGS Pass Guarantee and the support you'll receive from our Pass Guaranteed Packages.

See for yourself why Gerry Grossman has been the trusted leader for over 35 years

What Sets Us Apart

The exam prep and continuing education you need, delivered the way you want.

With Gerry Grossman Seminars, you can expect to receive proven exam prep and continuing education solutions provided in a way that suits your needs. Our study materials have been diligently crafted by subject matter experts and practicing professionals to offer you the most up-to-date and complete content possible.

Here are just a few of the tools and benefits our decades of exam prep and continuing education experience can bring to your study plan.

Continuing Education

Live Instruction Exam Prep

  • An interactive, instructor-led group learning environment
  • Confidence-building, test-taking strategies
  • Realtime support and encouragement
  • Extensive testbanks (questions/rationales)
  • Full-length online mock exams
  • Comprehensive textbooks
  • Full study plan / exam mastery techniques
  • Concise, focused flashcards
  • Quick reference charts

Self-Study Exam Prep

  • Self-paced, audio/visual learning experience
  • Confidence-building, test-taking strategies
  • Study on your schedule
  • Extensive testbanks (questions/rationales)
  • Full-length online mock exams
  • Comprehensive textbooks
  • Full study plan / exam mastery techniques
  • Concise, focused flashards
  • Quick reference charts

Continuing Education

  • Satisfy your Continuing Education requirements conveniently at home
  • Study, take your test, and print your completion certificates at your convenience
  • Study completely online and save on tax and shipping
  • Add printed materials for home study if you prefer that format
  • Our catalog of CE offerings is regularly updated with new, topical courses
  • Live online and self-paced home study options available
  • Our courses are approved for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, LEPs, Social Workers, MFTs, and RNs

Meet Our Experts

Our instructors – including Gerry Grossman, the founder of Gerry Grossman Seminars – have decades of clinical and exam prep experience. They bring a passion for education, a deep commitment to student success, and a caring human element to our exam prep and continuing education classes.

Gerry Grossman, LMFT


Gerry Grossman has successfully trained thousands of exam candidates for their BBS licensing exams since 1985. His teaching style is clear, incisive, humorous, and empathic. As a trained hypnotherapist, he has assisted many people with test anxiety and other clinical issues. In 2016 Gerry received the Educator of the year award from AAMFT-CA. In private practice, Gerry specializes in working with young children and their families.

What Students Are Saying

"I don't think I would have passed without all the study material, classes and support that you provided so I wanted to thank you for all your hard work, including the recent handouts in response to the exam changes."
– D.M., LMFT

"The materials were very thorough, including the flashcards and online test banks, which I found were a significant part of my success. I would recommend to others preparing to embark upon the examination process!"
– Rosie Arakelyan, LCSW

"I just wanted to let you know I passed my clinical exam this morning. And I have to thank you. The study materials are great. I was completely prepared. Finished my test in 2 1/2 hours. Thanks again!"
– Vickie Carrillo, LMFT

What Students Are Saying

"I don't think I would have passed without all the study material, classes and support that you provided so I wanted to thank you for all your hard work, including the recent handouts in response to the exam changes."
– D.M., LMFT

What Students Are Saying

"I don't think I would have passed without all the study material, classes and support that you provided so I wanted to thank you for all your hard work, including the recent handouts in response to the exam changes."
– D.M., LMFT

Start Studying Now


For MFT Candidates taking the California Law & Ethics, Clinical or National Exams.

Social Work

For LCSW Candidates taking the California Law & Ethics, ASWB Clinical Exams.

California Law and Ethics

For LMFT, LCSW, and LPCC candidates taking the California BBS Law & Ethics Exam.

Continuing Education

Courses approved for California LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, LEPs, and RNs.

EXCLUSIVE! GGS Military Discount

A special discount offered to our nation's serving military and veterans.

EXCLUSIVE! GGS Military Discount

A special discount offered to our nation's serving military and veterans.